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Ellen Bishop

Ellen Bishop

Alcea Consulting Limited

How to adopt AI successfully and solve your business problems

Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) effectively has the potential to solve some of your biggest business challenges and set your company apart from competitors. This presentation shares knowledge and strategies to identify practical ways to adopt AI across different areas of your organisation, and look at ways your business can implement AI solutions successfully with measurable results. Discover how AI can revolutionise your operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth.

Speaker Bio:

Ellen Bishop empowers businesses to harness the transformative power of AI to address their unique challenges and achieve a competitive advantage. Using her extensive background in communications she guides organisations through their whole AI adoption journey, ensuring seamless integration of AI into existing frameworks. She is skilled in developing AI strategies and setting up AI councils for businesses that ensure AI adoption aligns with business objectives and fosters a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. With experience of working in a diverse range of industries, including media, energy, and manufacturing, she is adept at tailoring her approach to each client’s unique needs, ensuring that their AI initiatives are aligned with their specific business goals. Ellen’s focus is on the practical applications of AI to help businesses problem solve. Her passion for AI stems from her belief in its potential to revolutionise industries and the way we work and drive innovation.
