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Tom Croft

Tom Croft

AVANT Communications

13th March

No-one is buying AI

Is AI confusing? Is there too much noise? Should we be afraid of it? In this seminar we are going to go through all the factors of AI and how Trusted Advisors can guide you through the process in adapting to the technology. We will also look at the practical applications and the future trends, and what that means in the AI world.

14th March 

Why no-one is buying AI

Is AI confusing? Is there too much noise? Should we be afraid of it? In this seminar we are going to go through all the factors of AI and how Trusted Advisors can guide you through the process in adapting to the technology. We will also look at the practical applications and the future trends, and what that means in the AI world.

Speaker Bio:

An enthusiastic father of 3, from a small village in Surrey, Tom has grown up in the IT world and favoured real life experience as opposed to a university education. With over 25 years of industry experience and the foundations steeped in a full engineering background, Tom moved into a more consultative role. In techinical "Mastermind" Tom is able to score highly in the general knowledge round but has his specialises in UCaaS, CCaaS, Connectivity and Co-Location. Is AI confusing? Is there too much noise? Should we be afraid of it? In this seminar we are going to go through all the factors of AI and how Trusted Advisors can guide you through the process in adapting to the technology. We will also look at the practical applications and the future trends, and what that means in the AI world.
